Concrete Slab Lifting and Leveling

Frequently Asked Questions

How long has Concrete Raising been around?

Concrete Raising was originally called mudjacking or slabjacking. The process has been in existence almost 100 years. The use of Geotechnical Polyurethane foam to lift concrete is a relatively new concept (within the last 30 years), but has been used extensively to lift and support interstate highways, runways and high rise buildings.

Is Concrete Lifting Safe?

The Geotechnical-Polymer material used by ConcreteMedic to lift and level concrete is primarily recycled plastic and a foaming agent. Once cured (15 minutes) it is completely inert and completely safe. Prior to that time, the foaming agent can cause irritation and therefore should be handled only by trained technicians.

Can ALL concrete be raised?

ConcreteMedic can lift most concrete slabs that are still in good condition. When large areas of concrete have deteriorated, crumbled or have fractured with cracks that are too close together, replacement may be a better option.

Can concrete slabs be “lowered”?

Generally no, but slabs that are heaved can be ground down to eliminate the trip hazard or adjoining slabs can be raised to match the raised slab. Occasionally a slab appears to raised, because an opposite corner has sunk or settled. In this case, ConcreteMedic can frequently “lower” the raised portion by lifting the opposite corner.  As a word of caution, frost heaving is not uncommon at all in Omaha metro area as well as the Eastern Nebraska, Western Iowa region. Typically, when concrete heaves due to water freezing beneath the slab, it will settle back down into its correct or normal position once the ground has thawed in the spring. If you experience frost heaving in your concrete, don’t hesitate to contact us, there are processes that we can perform to help keep the problem from happening in the future.

How can you raise only one area of a slab?

The short answer is, yes! ConcreteMedic injects material underneath the affected area only, raising the settled area to match the surrounding surfaces. We can adjust the angle or pitch of the concrete slab. In the Omaha, NE metro area we find that driveway slabs where they abut the garage and front steps are some of the most common concrete areas to sink or settle, that can then be lifted with our poly foam mudjacking process.

What causes concrete to settle?

Usually, the ground under the concrete has simply settled over time, but a variety of other issues can cause problems such as flooding, water erosion, severe rodent problems, etc…

Can driveways leaning toward the house be angled away from the house?

In most cases, yes. We can adjust the angle or pitch to most any desired level. ConcreteMedic can lift driveway or patio slabs and adjust the pitch to direct the water run off away from the house using our poly foam mudjacking process. We also can use caulking (joint sealing) to protect from any further water caused erosion caused by wrong slope of concrete.

Why should I be concerned?

Safety (as it relates to trip hazards in particular), appearance and potential structural or foundation damage caused by water erosion top the list of why you should be concerned about your concrete sinking settling. ConcreteMedic, using our poly foam mudjacking process, can help eliminate those concerns on the concrete around your home or business.

How long does Concrete Raising take?

Most jobs are completed within a few hours. The job duration is ultimately dependent on the dimensions of the slab, how far it’s settled and where it is located as well as the number of concrete slabs around the property that have settled..

How soon can I use my concrete?

Almost Immediately! Unlike traditional mudjacking where you need to wait a minimum of 24 hours, or new concrete 7 – 30 days, you can use your concrete by the time we’ve completed your project. At ConcreteMedic, our geotechnical poly foam product is fully cured in 15 minutes, which means you don’t have to deal with long wait times before you can use your concrete surface again.

How much does Concrete Leveling cost?

At ConcreteMedic, our concrete lifting and leveling projects are estimated by the amount of material it will take to level your concrete. Generally, this equals 1/3 – 1/2 the cost to replace your concrete. On larger slabs, like garage floors and any indoor concrete, we will be much less expensive than replacement. “The larger the slab the greater the savings”, is a great rule of thumb.

How long does Concrete Raising last?

ConcreteMedic’s Geotechnical Poly Foam Concrete Lifting process provides the right amount of material beneath the concrete to stabilize the soil by improving soil density. Once lifted, the concrete is now supported and stabilized properly. With proper drainage and sealing, ConcreteMedic’s Concrete Lifting process is generally a permanent solution. Remember that improper water drainage can erode the best of soils, so water management is also an important component of the longevity of your project.

What is a void / cause beneath the concrete?

A void is an pocket of air (or sometimes water) underneath the concrete. Clay and organic soils are typically more prone to voids (soil around the Omaha, NE area tend to contain a lot of clay). Water drainage issues, poor soil preparation and compaction, rodents or just normal settling of soils can also create voids. ConcreteMedic’s Concrete Lifting process will fill the voids under your concrete to help mitigate the cracking and potential collapse that generally occur with voids.

What are the benefits of concrete raising vs. removal and replacement?

First and foremost, ConcreteMedic’s Concrete Lifting process is generally about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of replacing your concrete. Some other benefits include: No damage to landscaping or structures. No demolition and removal of concrete. No extended down time while waiting for demo, concrete form installation, concrete trucks, concrete installation or curing.

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